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The European project on plastic recycling technologies PRIMUS, is making progress

The consortium partners have been collaborating on this project for about a year, which aims to use recycled plastic materials for the production of added-value products Under the leadership of the Finnish research center VTT and together with organizations such as The University of Eastern Finland, CIRCULARISE and COOLREC from the Netherlands, Tallin University from Estonia, the German GREENDELTA, and the Belgian Plastics Recyclers Europe, the Innovation and Technology area of MONDRAGON Corporation and the cooperatives CIKAUTXO and MAIER, with their respective R&D centers CIKATEK and MTC, a consortium for the development of the PRIMUS project has been created. With a duration of three years and...

Plastic Regulations Webinar

Hello dearest community, The 23rd of February 2023, we organized the first chapter of our webinar series BOOSTING PLASTIC RECYCLING, related with two new European regulations tackling plastic issues: Food Contact & Packaging and Packaging waste. For this job we invited another European Project denominate Cimpa. With their help, expertise, knowledge and experience we will explain the food contact regulation and Packaging and packaging waste regulation. Thanks to all attendees and especially to our speakers: Anna Tenhunen-Lunkka, Celine Chevallier, Mathilde Taveau and Maria-Vera Durán. Check the webinar below or on the Training section of our website. Just stay tuned to our social channels or subscribe to our communities or...

Our colleague Mathilde listed in TOP 100 global innovators

Hello PRIMUS Community, We are very proud to announce that our colleague Mathilde Taveau from Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) was listed by the inernational Recycling International magazine as one of the 100 global innovator Professional in the recycling sector. You will recognise her in the picture in the article published on-line. As well as PLAST2bCLEANED, the article mentions our own PRIMUS Project EU Project as an example of the activities our colleague is involved in. Congratulations Mathilde for a very well-deserved recognition.   Read the full article here:      ...

Good Practices in Cross-Project Collaboration

For those of us working on research projects, we know that it is always a good practice to generate links with other initiatives related to the scope of our own project. This is particularly important when these projects are funded by the European Commission, as it is mandatory and a contractual obligation to assure that these relations are established. This practice was set in the early HORIZON 2020 and continues in the current framework HORIZON Europe One reason would be the multiplier effect which these relations would bring the development teams as drivers reducing the gaps between close-up disciplines. In fact, if you ask researchers and...

Group Picture - Joensuu - 2nd Consortium Meeting

2nd Consortium Meeting in Joensuu

Joensuu and UEF hosted the 2nd Consortium Meeting of PRIMUS Project A warm welcome despite temperatures below -15ºC.   This December (13-14) we travelled to Joensuu (Finland) for the second Consortium Meeting and General Assembly. This was a long-waited opportunity for the partners to meet again since the project’s kick-off meeting in Espoo and Tampere, also in Finland. During these two days we focused on updating the partners about the work developed by the different teams and was a good opportunity to discuss with peers detail aspects of the research, get work aligned, and set the basis for the work for the following months. These activities were carried out...

The conference and event season just started for this Autumn 2022.

Dear Partners and Community, The conference and event season just started for this Autumn 2022. We recently presented PRIMUS Project EU at the Second VALBREE conference on “Opportunities & challenges in plastics recycling” where our colleague Mathilde Taveau from Plastics Recyclers Europe presented the Project activities and objectives as part of her speech «Monitoring des substances dans les matières plastiques recyclées» In coming dates, PRIMUS Project EU will also be present in Germany at K-2022 show in Düsseldorf, where you can meet Teresa Oberhauser at Circularise's (External Booth OA Hall 4/04.3) on October 16-26. Additionally, at the Innovation Forum 4Plastics (October 13-14), Carolina Mejia Niño and Patxi Saez de Viteri Alonso, Ph.D. from MONDRAGON Corporation will present PRIMUS Project EU to the plastics recycling community in Mallorca. We...