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Food Contact Regulations Europe Conference

  We're thrilled to share that Mathilde Taveau, from Plastics Recyclers Europe, presentation at the Food Contact Regulations Europe conference in Brussels on April 22 was a success! Did you have a chance to attend? Mathilde discussed the Recycling industry's perspective on ensuring food-safe plastic recyclate, unveiling essential tools and insights from the pioneering PRIMUS project. Participants also had the opportunity to explore a revolutionary food contact fridge-to-fridge demonstrator. It was an engaging discussion on sustainable practices and innovation in the recycling sector. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this impactful event!                       ...

Innovation Forum 4Plastics

On April 19, 2024, in Brussels, Carolina Mejia Niño, Senior Innovation Project Manager at MONDRAGON Corporation, illuminated the stage with her insightful presentation on the PRIMUS Project  objectives at the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) side event, Innovation Forum 4Plastics, organized by EuRIC - The European Recycling Industries. Her engaging discourse captivated attendees, shedding light on the project's crucial role in promoting sustainable practices. The event provided a platform for industry leaders to exchange ideas and strategies for advancing circular economy initiatives, and Carolina's contribution was invaluable in driving this dialogue forward. Her expertise and passion for sustainability were evident, leaving a lasting impact on...

Sister projects collaboration

Exciting Collaboration Alert for the Primus Community! We're thrilled to share that the PRIMUS project is embarking on a groundbreaking collaboration with three other visionary sister-projects - Precycling, INCREACE, and ABSoilEU. Our unified goal? To revolutionize the way we address plastic waste by producing high-quality recyclates tailored to the diverse needs of various industries. This partnership is born from a shared commitment to environmental sustainability and innovation following the same funded-program. Together, we aim to tackle one of the most pressing challenges of our time - plastic pollution - and convert it into an opportunity for positive change. Our Joint Mission: Transforming Plastic Waste into Value As we...

Last Podcast episode!

Last episode of the Trash Talkin' podcast! Hello Trash Talkers! This podcast is dedicated to exploring the complex and ever-evolving world of waste management and recycling in Europe. From the latest trends and technologies to the social, environmental, and economic impacts of recycling, our expert guests share their insights and perspectives on the most pressing issues facing the industry today. The podcast series has come to an end and we decided to conclude with a farewell chapter. It is a special episode where we wrap-up in the Trash Talkin' journey and we give the listeners a chance to be part of the podcast. In the episode, our...

Podcast episode with INCREACE!

5th episode about Germany with INCREACE project! Hello Trash Talkers! This podcast is dedicated to exploring the complex and ever-evolving world of waste management and recycling in Europe. From the latest trends and technologies to the social, environmental, and economic impacts of recycling, our expert guests share their insights and perspectives on the most pressing issues facing the industry today. In this chapter we dive deep into sustainability and waste management in Germany with a very interesting perspective and knowledge from our guests from Fraunhofer IZM, Theresa Aigner and Ronja Scholz. This episode was born as a cross-project collaboration with INCREACE, an EU funded project focused on...

VTT and Circularise in recent events

Hello again PRIMUS community, We are passing by to share our partner's participation in recent events during the moth of November 2023. The 7th of November, PRIMUS partners from VTT travelled to Rimini, Italy, to attend the ECOMONDO 2023 conference. ECOMONDO is the reference event in Europe with the goal of creating an ecosystem for an Ecological Transition. It had a wide program of events, seminars and workshops, where VTT participated with a poster presenting the developments of PRIMUS. On the other hand, Circularise attended the Greener Manufacturing Show in Cologne, Germany, the past 8th and 9th of November with a booth and presentation. It is...

4th podcast episode!

We have released the 4th chapter of Trash Talkin'! Hello again Trash Talkers! This podcast is dedicated to exploring the complex and ever-evolving world of waste management and recycling in Europe. From the latest trends and technologies to the social, environmental, and economic impacts of recycling, our expert guests share their insights and perspectives on the most pressing issues facing the industry today. In today's episode we will discover sustainability facts and great initiatives in Belgium! As always, we brought an amazing guest from the PRIMUS project, Mathilde Taveau, Regulatory Affairs Manager at Plastics Recyclers Europe. We brought very interesting topics this time, don't miss the episode! Join...

4th Consortium Meeting in Berlin

Greendelta organised the 4th face-to-face Consortium Meeting in Berlin During October 26th and 27th, PRIMUS partners met in Berlin, Germany, for the 4th Consortium Meeting. It has been an excellent opportunity to meet after the previous Consortium Meeting held in May. During these couple of days we had the opportunity to reflect on the tasks that have been developed in the previous months in a dynamic and engaging way. We run interesting workshops where the partners could contribute with their valuable insights, sharing opinions and concerns and we were also able to engage in group discussions and work together in the next steps of the upcoming...

Podcast Chapter 3

The 3rd episode of the PRIMUS podcast has been released! Hello Trash Talkers! This podcast is dedicated to exploring the ever evolving world of waste management and recycling across Europe. From cutting-edge developments and technologies to the societal, environmental, and financial consequences of sustainable actions, our expert guests offer their knowledge and viewpoints on the recent environmental challenges. Join us as we delve into the complexities and prospects of eco-friendly waste management practices throughout Europe. Trash Talkin' will become your primary resource for the best discussions on the future of waste management. For this episode we chose the Netherlands, where we discover recent sustainable developments of the country...

Plastic Sampling Processes and Outcomes Webinar

Hello PRIMUS community, October 5th we organized the third chapter of our webinar series BOOSTING PLASTIC RECYCLING, dedicated to Plastic Sampling Processes and Outcomes. We carried out the webinar with two project partners, Mathilde Taveau from Plastics Recyclers Europe and Jarkko J. Saarinen from the University of Eastern Finland. With their expertise and knowledge we explained everything about plastic sampling processes and techniques as well as the PRE 1000 tool, by Plastics Recyclers Europe to achieve a high quality recycling. We finished the webinar with a round table session and questions from the attendees. Thanks to all of those who joined and specially to our speakers! Check out the...