Boosting Plastic Webinar series: Assure Quality Recycling standards with the PRE-1000 tool
On October 22, the PRIMUS Project successfully hosted a new charapter of its Boosting Plastic Recycling webinar series. The event focused on improving the quality of plastic recycling and highlighted the innovative PRE-1000 tool, a standard developed to enhance recycling processes across Europe. Participants from various sectors, including sustainability advocates, waste management professionals, and policymakers, gathered to discuss the role of quality standards in transforming the recycling industry.
The webinar addressed the growing need for high-quality recycling processes to combat the increasing problem of plastic waste. The PRE-1000 tool was presented as a solution to this challenge by setting standards for plastic recyclates, aiming to harmonize and improve recycling practices across the continent.
The event featured insights from a panel of experts representing leading organizations in the field of plastic recycling and sustainability. Mathilde Taveau from Plastics Recyclers Europe discussed the impact of the PRE-1000 tool on industry standards and its broader implications for Europe’s circular economy. Jarkko J Saarinen, from the University of Eastern Finland, shared research findings on the effectiveness of quality standards in enhancing recycling outcomes. Ana Rita Neiva from Coolrec provided practical insights into implementing the PRE-1000 tool in industrial settings, while Carolina Mejia Niño, representing MONDRAGON Corporation, addressed the PRIMUS project, explaining its innovative work.
Thank you very much to our experts and all the attendees. If you couldn’t join us, the full webinar is available on our YouTube channel. We appreciate your participation and hope you found the session valuable. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to stay updated on future webinars and exclusive content.